This incredible story starts with me noticing that, since a few weeks, I would suddenly feel a sort of electric impulse making my head turn either left or right, out of the blue, while walking or sitting down. Crazily enough, I immediately thought that this was not due to a neurological disease but to some entity that was sticking around me. After some time I asked my psychic friend Marco to check on this. He could only tell me that there was indeed a spirit around me, a good one who was there to teach me things, but nothing more. Later on, I tried to establish contact on my own. During a meditation I asked this entity to communicate with me, to give me a message. As soon as I started meditating, a thought appeared in my mind: "You don't eat well", over and over again like a mantra. WTH? It must have been my silly mind playing tricks because I was convinced to eat quite healthy: mostly veggies, organic, no meat etc. At the end of the 30' meditation I was left rather unhappy. No cosmic message, no visuals, no wow moments of any kind. Mission failed :(
Few days later, while having dinner I mentally asked this spirit to tell me his/her name. I got letters appearing in my head forming the word "SYKKAR". I immediately called Marco asking for an opinion. He told me that he felt the name was not entirely correct, got out his dowsing pendulum and checked letter by letter. "S" yes, "Y" yes, "K" no... After some failed guesses from my side, he said "Y" and that all the rest was correct: "SYYKAR". Holy cow! what a cosmic name :) I felt it was a Pleiadian name and I checked with my pendulum, later confirmed by Marco himself. Syykar the Pleiadian... What about the sex? female said my pendulum.
After a few days, one morning I texted Karolina, a Lithuanian friend with very strong psychic perception, to give me a remote Reiki session as soon as possible and try to make contact with Syykar. She was enthusiatic and she called me back in the evening. "Sit down, man! I did it. I saw Syykar". While giving me the Reiki session, Karolina managed to see my Pleiadian guest, looking like some sort of giant light being and she could feel her loving energy. Syykar told her to be my friend and to have messages for me. She also told her that in order to communicate with her I needed to be “cleaner” (still to figure out what exactly she meant... should I always do more than a shower a day or what 😅?) and especially to eat more healthy (more greens, less coffee, eat less in general). What???? I then understood that the weird thought about food I had during my first meditation to establish contact was really a message from Syykar 😱.
Days later, I mentally asked to Syykar to tell me something about the Pleiades, where was she from exactly or something that could prove that she was from there. I got "star B" flashing in my mind. I immediately went to Google "pleiades star-B" and here is what I got.

I must confess that I have never investigated anything about Pleiades, except for looking for pictures of them. I didn't know that they were B stars. Some might argue that it is general knowledge and/or I must have been exposed to this information previously, maybe even accidentally. Well, maybe or maybe not. I find this another interesting synchronicity.