The friend who first introduced me to the Akashic records world, to whom I will refer to as "Ester" (not her real name), a marketing manager who is currently living in Amsterdam, used to have recurring dreams where she would see herself in a war scenario, constantly hiding not to be killed. In addition to this, she told me that she used to have a particularly good relationship with her grandmother and she suffered from not having been able to greet her for the last time before she passed away.
A few years ago, when she was still living in Boulder, Ester had a past-life reading by a lady, a local shop owner. The lady told her that her grandmother was a nurse working on the battlefield during World War II and she, i.e. Ester, was the reincarnation of her grandmother's best friend, also a nurse, who died shortly after. This was quite surprising and apparently spot on since the grandmother had indeed been a nurse (but the lady could not have known it in advance) and Ester could now find an explanation for her vivid dreams, which were presumably memories of her previous life as her grandmother's friend.
3/5/2019. While on a trip back in Boulder, Ester had another reading from another psychic, a lady with native American roots and well into shamanism. When asked to dig into Ester's most recent past life, the lady said that she could see her as a nurse during the war and she was constantly hiding, basically confirming both the above-mentioned dreams and the outcome of the previous reading. Let me stress it once more: two independent psychics gave the same information concerning Ester's past life as a nurse during the war, which also explains the frequent recurring dreams she had had for many years in which she saw herself hiding on a battlefield. This is nothing short from amazing and gives proof that reincarnation is not only real but also verifiable beyond the shadow of a doubt.
