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Gala Mantis being (13/1/2019 @LA, 14/1/2019 @SF)

Writer: AndreaIXLAndreaIXL

Updated: Jun 7, 2019

During my session with EA (, among the many things she channeled by accessing my Akashic records, she told me that one of my Spirit Guides is a Mantis being called Gala. He is a male energy and apparently used to be my teacher during one of my past "alien" lives (way before incarnating on Earth), when I used to be a Mantis being myself. Gala is still my mentor in this life and EA could "see" him next to me. Mantis beings are rather mysterious high-vibrational and inter-dimensional insectoids entities that are supposed to be extremely analytical and knowledgeable of the universe laws. Some information about Mantis entities can be found on

A supposedly real photo of a Mantis entity from <>.

Of course, I was a little impressed by this information... who wouldn't? Was it BS? Perhaps ... but bear with me and please keep reading before making a final judgement.

During the session, at a certain moment a hummingbird started flying around the flowers nearby and then, all of the sudden, flew first against me and then against EA, almost hitting her so that she actually had to move out of the bird's way not to be hit. After those two "attacks", the funny bird remained hovering in between us for a few minutes as he was somehow ... assisting to our conversation. You will agree that this was quite an unusual behavior for a hummingbird (btw, I used to see many in Stanford, during my year there as postdoctoral researcher) that both EA and me acknowledged. Ok, but why mentioning the hummingbird? Just a second... please keep reading.

On my way back from LA to San Diego, after the session with EA, I felt the need/curiosity to google "Gala mantis being", looking for some kind of validation of what I heard. The following screenshot shows what appeared at the time of my search. Weird, isn't it? It connects mantis with hummingbirds... Of course, this made me think immediately of the funny hummingbird and its unusual behavior. Bear in mind that if you do a search for "mantis" or "mantis being" you don't get any connection to hummingbirds. The "Gala" word seems to have made the difference. What I believe is that this was a clear example of what they call synchronicities, i.e. signs (coincidences, some would say) through which the Universe is communicating with us to guide us into some direction or teach us something. In this specific case, I think that the hummingbird was actually my Spirit Guide (Gala) wanted to show his presence to me. Moreover, hummingbirds are considered sacred animals, Gods' messengers in some ancient cultures (e.g. native Americans).

Not convinced? Indeed, this sounds very far fetched but, again, keep reading, it gets interesting.

Screenshot of what appeared on my iPhone screen after googling "Gala mantis being" on the 13/01/2019.

The day after, 14/01/2019, I moved from San Diego to San Francisco. During my first night at the Aida Plaza hotel, I was a little sleepless and around 5AM I stared into the dark of my room and asked for a contact with Gala: "If you are real, show me your presence", I whispered. After a few minutes, I finally fell asleep while lying on my right side. Then I woke up straightaway while feeling "something" grabbing me around my waist and trying to lift me up from the bed. It felt as somebody was shaking me up violently in order to make me wake up. I shouted like crazy and luckily I was the only guest on the hotel floor that night. My first immediate thought was that there was an earthquake, but I can tell that I have experienced earthquakes before, even in San Francisco, and this was definitely something different. No vibration whatsoever occurred after I woke up and whatever I experienced felt like a mix between a vertical lifting motion plus the clear sensation of being grabbed, I mean ... I really felt something touching me around my hips/belly, not a vibration of the bed. In conclusion, what I think is that Mr. Gala decided to confirm his presence first with the synchronicity related to the crazy hummingbird and then with this direct contact, which I asked for... Once again, leave it or take it.

6/3/2019. I was on sick leave because of some increasingly painful skin infection that had been plaguing me since almost a week. I had a sort of large blister on the top of my leg. Before going to doctor that day, I decided to ask for guidance to Gala, why not? I thought what was the message of the day for me. I googled "gala mantis being". The first link I got was talking about parasites that can affect praying mantis. How cool is that? I had some weird infection and I got a link connecting my Spirit Guide to parasites. Did this indicate that the infection was due to some bacteria or so? When I went to the doctor, we discussed about trying antibiotics to heal my problem and I definitely agreed with the solution. After just two days of antibiotics my problem was totally solved, after almost a week of agony since the beginning of my health issue. The funny thing is that, when I tried to google again "gala mantis being" in following days, no link connecting mantis to parasites appeared. IMHO, this was another synchronicity, in this case an example of guidance from the other side to help me healing.

19/4/2019. On my way to Turin for the Easter holiday, I was sitting by the window. I looked outside a few times and I noticed a strangely shaped scratch on the wing, just a meter away from my window. After a while, I looked at it a little better ... doesn't it resemble a praying mantis? Could this be the ultimate validation of the fact that Gala is one of my spirit guides and wants to confirm his presence once again? Well, I have to agree with this. Think about it: what's the chance that a random scratch can assume the shape of a mantis and that I am the only person somehow forced to notice it since it was right in front of my window, the only one on the wing? To this, let's add the fact that I have never seen any similar damage on a wing, out of 150-200 flights I have had in my life, so far ... have you?

Left: the mantis-shaped scratch I could see on the wing of the Boeing 737 during my Ryanair flight (Charleroi-Turin). Right: a depiction of a mantis alien being from a youtube video.



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