Disclaimer: this is definitely not the first one of my posts you should read unless you are comfortable with the concepts of inter-dimensional beings, aliens, karma, reincarnation and, especially, Akashic records. If not, or if you are not familiar with each of those concepts, I would suggest that you first read some of my other posts to get some perspective of why this specific content fits the context of my awakening journey. You have been warned...
I started following Elizabeth April (EA) https://www.elizabethapril.com/ sometime in April (...call it coincidence ;)) 2018, during a period in which I was stuck home with a broken ankle, after a surgery, with lot of free time to kill ;) It all started with me bumping into an old EA's interview which blew me away: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Wz9QLkWgOg. Apart from the extraordinary content of this interview, what struck me was how genuine EA looked (I am talking about body language here...) and sounded, making her totally believable to me. After that, I binge watched a bunch of her videos and live streams. I was familiar with a lot of her videos content, but I had never found anybody putting everything into perspective the way she put it: paranormal for the dummies from A to Z and all within a frame that finally made total sense to me. What a teacher! I was hooked to the point that, once I got familiar with Akashic records reading myself and figured out that she was giving 1-to-1 Skype sessions, I decided that it was time for me to finally get some clarity on my past experiences and what I would call "my cosmic connections", dating back to my close encounter with a UFO that opened my eyes on the unseen world when I was a kid.
After having scheduled an almost 3-week business trip to California (aerospace conference in San Diego, meetings with a former colleague now working at NASA Ames, seminars at Stanford, a meeting at a USAF base), I contacted EA and ask her to meet in person instead of having a Skype call during one of my free days. Luckily, she agreed.
We had a 1-hour Akashic reading session in the tiny courtyard of her condo. Under her own suggestion, I recorded the whole conversation of which I will discuss here only the most interesting and, in some case, truly mind blowing content that she channeled.
She explained that when she channels information, they appear mostly as images through
her third eye, sometimes in combination with words. I was already familiar with this, since this kinda channeling is exactly what I experienced when trying to read my own Akashic records, even as an absolute beginner.
She started by looking at my aura. She told me that I have a bright green aura indicating a strong analytical/logical masculine energy followed by a sort of golden "cloud" (my divine spiritual energy) lagging a foot or so behind, indicating that I haven't fully embodied spirituality in this life. I have to agree on this last consideration, but I am working on it :)
Then, she started scanning my past lives on Earth, saying that she could see me either fully devoted to a spiritual/shamanistic mission (as a oracle, healer or a true shaman) or to pursue success in typically high-power positions in society. In both cases, I got rewarded during my past lives in materialistic terms (e.g. money, power, relationships). In the first life she could visualize, I was actually a knight waving a sword on a battlefield. She also told me that in all those lives in which I was pursuing success in life, I was always feeling some sort of deep dissatisfaction, feeling that I was missing something. As far as my present life is concerned, my higher self has apparently decided to play it safe, seeking a good balance between material and spiritual worlds.
Most of past-life regression therapists would have stopped at this point. Isn't that enough to blow one's mind and belief system? Not really. Not for me actually. The reason why I chose to come to EA is that her "specialty" is cosmic connections... If this smells too crazy for you, please stop reading at this point. It won't get any better.
*************************** Danger zone: alien stuff beyond this point *****************************
Ok, if you decided to check the weirdest/deepest part of EA's reading, here we go!
EA looked into my past lives ... off-planet Earth. She saw me in multiple lifetimes in multiple "alien" races and civilizations (e.g. Pleiadian, Lyran, Mantis beings), mostly working as a scientist (dealing with genetic material in labs) or an engineer (as a spaceship technician or designer). But again, she said that she could feel my dissatisfaction/sadness and the fact that I felt I needed something more. What I really wanted, apparently, was to help the collective consciousness... She told me that one of my main qualities was to be a strategist (which, funny enough, is probably my main professional quality even in my current lifetime).
Now, things started getting amazing... As always, leave it or take it, at the end there is no way for me (neither for any self-proclaimed debunker, if we really want to say it all...) to verify the truthfulness of the following piece of information.
EA told me that, during one life as a Pleiadian, I applied to work for the so-called Galactic Federation of Light (i.e. the galactic version of UN, with representatives of some of the most advanced races in our Galaxy) and, in particular, I joined a group whose task was to design the strategy for Ascension on planet Earth. What I proposed (together with some others) was the winning strategy that was actually ratified by the Galactic council: the strategy of the 144,000. WTF is that?? never heard that before! She explained me that this strategy (or prophecy, it is even mentioned in the Bible...) implies that once 144,000 high-vibrational souls are incarnated on Earth and awaken all the same time, this will be enough to raise the global vibration of the planet, which corresponds to an upgrade of the collective consciousness (not necessarily with tangible effects) and spirituality. This is also referred to as the "shift from 3-D to 5-D" (where D- stands for density or dimension) which literally ALL new age spiritualists are talking about. This shift is supposed to have been activated in 2012, at the end of Mayan's calendar, but particularly since 2016, and still ongoing. It is not a coincidence that so many people have been "awakening" (each one in their own way, but typically after a chain of life shattering events) during the last 2 years and, let me say, I definitely belong to the category!
My personal awakening (including many of the events I describe in this blog) has come after a hellish health issue that plagued me no-stop for 11 months with unbearable pain, a dramatic relationship breakup, a tragic revelation that torn my original family apart, a long-awaited job change after 15 years, a broken leg as a consequence of a serious home accident ... all concentrated within 18 months.
After hearing about my soul involvement in the prophecy of the 144,000, I was like ... Wow, has my soul really been so powerful? EA added that, after that life, whenever I (i.e. my higher self) decided to reincarnate on Earth, it has always been for curiosity and for keeping an eye on how the original plan that I contributed to define would unroll. She channeled "historical moment" as one of the main motivations for my presence on this planet... I must admit that, during my present life, I often had this same exact thought. I often felt that I was here, at this particular time, in order to witness an important moment for the human race. I always attributed this feeling to having witnessed the end of the cold war, the beginning of the conquest of space and of the internet era. Perhaps there will be more...
Then, EA looked at possible karmic "blockages" in my aura and she said that, because of this foreknowledge I had about how things would unroll (having contributed to define the Earth "experiment"), unlike most incarnated souls, I did not accumulate much karma, to the point that my aura is almost unaffected by karmic scars, despite having been killed in gruesome ways a few times (e.g. burnt on the stake in 1600s as a witch, exterminated as a shaman with all my native North American tribe during the Spanish invasion).
Again, no way to verify any of this info, unless I further develop my Akashic reading abilities and/or I get another reading from another psychic with comparable abilities which confirms the exact same scenario... So far, I acknowledge to have heard an extraordinarily fascinating story (you must agree on that ;)) and God knows if I will ever have validation of at least part of it...
You can find more details about what EA channeled in some of my other posts:
Happy reading ;)