Since autumn 2017, which more or less coincided with my stepping into the "dating game" after 17 years of monogamous relationship, a major input to my awakening has come from my occasional meetings with girls, many of which, surprisingly, turned out to possess some psychic abilities. I will report about the most significant meetings hereafter.
October 2017. I arranged a Tinder date with an American girl (let's call her KK), a lecturer from a famous university, on her last night after a week-long business trip in Brussels. We went for dinner in one of my favorite restaurant serving traditional Belgian food and, after some conventional small talk, our conversation took a "supernatural" turn. I started talking about my two UFO sightings and sleeping paralysis experiences. I have to confess that I often bring this subject up at a first date, either to annoy the girl (when I am not interested at all...sorry...) or to possibly engage in deeper conversations when I feel a good connection, as in this specific case. KK felt comfortable in opening up about her own experiences, which sounded mind blowing to me. She told me that, as a kid, she had premonitions about the death of some of her relatives, in particular she predicted the death of her grandfather. For very understandable reasons, she kept this ability secret even to her own parents, but not to her sister. She also told me that she was writing books and her future children were actually revealing the content of those books in... her (lucid, I assume) dreams, so that she would write pages and pages during a sort of stream of consciousness right after waking up. She also mentioned her extraordinary experience of living among aboriginal tribes in Australia. I remember two things in particular: during shamanic rituals KK could see spirits of animals manifesting (I had heard similar reports before indirectly from my ex gf's best friend) and she also told me that members of the same tribe could communicate telepathically at miles of distance. That night, after such a fantastic date, I was so excited for all the new information I got that I could barely sleep. The incredible thing is that what was supposed to be a final goodbye (KK was supposed to fly back to US the day after with little chance to meet up any time soon), turned into a serendipity kinda event: she incredibly managed to miss the flight and, therefore, I invited her for dinner at my place for a followup. More chatting, great food and great company overall! In this case, she taught me a few things about meditation, sparking some interest into the subject (for the first time in my life) and, in exchange, I taught her a few drumming exercises on my electronic drumset :)
January 2018. I met Pauline, a Russian designer and entrepreneur, for a dinner at Yamayu Santatsu, my absolute favorite Japanese restaurant in Brussels, followed by a drink nearby.
This was the only date I have ever had when the girl almost didn't let me speak :D She had so much to say about aliens, conspiracy theories and her own paranormal experiences. She told me that since she was working on her own, she had plenty of time to research, watch Youtube videos etc. She often used "download" when referring to information she acquired, a term that at the time I didn't fully grasped. I understood later that she was probably referring to channeling info. One of the most remarkable things she told me was that she was a supersoldier on a mission to save the world or so... I let you look up what that means in details, but basically supersoldiers are individuals that, in a young age, received a special training (by Russian intelligence in her case, I assume...) to develop their psychic abilities typically to be used for intelligence/military operations. I never met Pauline again after that night and I cannot really tell more about her. What I can say is that she is one of the smartest persons I have ever met. She really told me some mind blowing stuff, and despite not being a scientist (she studied art), she could be mistaken for one. I think that in her case, good genes don't lie, since her father was actually a space engineer like me :D
February 2018. I have met Belen, an Argentinian freelancer artist, three times in Paris. While sharing life experiences (and she had a lot to tell...), she told me that she was able to astral travel comfortably even during day time at will. She also told me that she had a quite spiritual experience after trying magic mushrooms but she didn't go into details, yet. Recently, she started practicing with tarot cards and had a past life regression that shed some light on her life mission.
March 2018. I had a quick meet up with Louise, a Dutch PA working in a medical company, during which, when asked if she had ever had any paranormal experiences, she told me that she could feel people's energy, while her mother had dream premonitions and telepathic abilities. I must say that I didn't have the best of the interactions with this girl, who changed her mind a few times during our short interaction, appearing to me to be a little traumatized and too judgemental, despite her empathic abilities.
May 2018. PZ ... To be continued...
June 2018. After a one-day trip (back in March) with an ex-colleague during which I reveal my interest for aliens and spirituality, she decided to open up about her own ESP abilities. She actually told me that since she was a kid, she had been an empath, able to feel the energy of people, read their thoughts, perform energy healing (with bad side effects for herself, since she never learned to cleanse herself from the energy she was receiving back) and see non-physical entities through her third eye. She even mentioned to have been psychically attacked once by what she believed being an acquaintance (a powerful psychic) who apparently manifested in her apartment under the form of a negative entity/energy, after she had criticized him for the bad use he was making about his powers when talking to another psychic friend. Wow, really like in the horror movies!!! I ended up texting my ex-colleague right after realizing I had a ghost at home ( She told me to feel that the entity was a good one (I was afraid it could have been a demonic one), which turned out to be true according to EA who supposedly allow him to crossover, and to just stay aware without worrying too much.
November 2018. I got a Tinder match with this girl, Lea, a Latvian researcher. Our 5-month long interaction has only been limited to chatting since we never managed to meet (even if she once canceled an already arranged meet-up in Madrid, where we both went in March, me for a ESA workshop and she for holidays...). She revealed to be a lightworker and, for the difficulties she showed in opening up even on a virtual chat, she sounded quite traumatized to me for God knows what reason. She told me that by looking at my profile pics she could clearly see that I was an old soul. It was the first time somebody told me that, even if I had already started feeling it could have been the case.
25/12/2018. During my Christmas time at my parent's place, we received the visit of a cousin, Daniela, that I hadn't seen for a few years. To my surprise, she told that she had followed a energy healing course and she shared some of her experiences with it. She also revealed to be an empath and to be sensitive to energy. The first psychic I knew within my own family, I was amazed. I obviously took the chance to share many of my own experiences with her.
30/12/2018. After a week of chatting on Inner Circle, I arranged a date with SG, a Bulgarian girl working for the EU commission, and since I had a visiting Italian (single) friend arriving the same day, I asked her to bring a friend so that we could all dine together. During our dinner in Kif Kif, a nice Mediterranean restaurant in Ixelles, I almost exclusively chatted with SG and told her about a few of my "weird" experiences. While we were approaching the end of the dinner, her Romanian friend (let's call her FL, also working in the EU institutions) started staring at me and entered in the conversation, saying that when she was going to the restaurant she was walking behind us (without knowing that I was the guy who invited SG) and she could feel my energy somehow. To be honest, I had also noticed FL while walking to the restaurant but she changed way (to first meet SG), so I didn't think she was SG's friend. FL revealed to all of us that she had a whole range of psychic abilities: she was able to see with her third eye, to read her own Akashic records, etc. She also knew she had alien origin and details about her cosmic connections. While SG was shocked, I was delighted :D but I didn't have time to ask too many questions. FL added that once she had to move out of her apartment because even an exorcism by a priest could not help getting rid of some negative entity that was haunting the place. She said that she took part to many spiritual retreats in the past, with people approaching her and suggesting her to further develop/utilize her (apparently strong) abilities but she decided to step back, feeling somehow uncomfortable in handling so much power. FL also said that she could feel I was somehow similar to her but less "aware" of my potential abilities.
13/1/2018. I had a 1-hour session with Elizabeth April (EA) at her place in LA, as I described in
23/4/2019. After posting EA's selfie with me on Facebook, my cousin Valentina commented that she was also working with crystals. I asked her what was all about and she told me about her massive awakening since a couple of years, after some dramatic events in her life of which I was totally unaware (we hadn't met since 2001...). She recently discovered to have natural pranic healing abilities and that, right after her grandfather's death, she had a lucid dream during which she was taken onboard a spaceship with ET beings or angels (of whom she could not see any facial features since they were wearing hooded robes) standing next to her. Through the window she could see some sort of energetic field flowing between two Earths that she later on could associate to a sort of visualization of the shift from 3D to 5D, which she was not aware about at the time of the dream. Apart from this, she told me to be in direct communication with some angels (e.g. Metatron, Micheal) and to have started drawing sacred geometries (like Metatron's elevator) out of the blue. Valentina started following a Reiki training in order to better handle energy and cleanse herself after healing.
Her Reiki master told her that he was already her teacher also in a previous life (!!) and that she is an incarnated angel herself... Valentina invited me at her place the next time I would have gone to Turin. I finally met her right after Easter and she gave me a Reiki session to re-balance my chakras. During the session, which lasted about 30' and involved the use of many different crystals placed in specific positions around/on me while I was lying on a table, she particularly remarked about a strong energy coming out of my heart chakra, telling me that her pendulum drove crazy when placed next to it. After the session, I asked her to show me the pendulum at work. When putting the pendulum near the center of my hand palm, the pendulum was literally swirling as it was inside some sort of energy vortex. I could not believe my eyes, so I asked her to let me hold the pendulum by myself to see if the same effect would have been reproducible. And yes, same exact thing: the pendulum stayed perfectly still if placed far from the center of my hand, but it progressively started rotating in crazy ways as it was put closer and closer to the center of my hand palm. It was so amazing (and honestly unexpected) to see the effects of energy vortexes coming out of my own hand!! This experience recently motivated me to buy a dowsing pendulum and I started "playing" with it ;)
